MOBILE UNITS: Being generally placed on the deck of the vessel by crane, they unload cargoes to the trucks at the port.
Products: Grains, seeds, animal feed and many other free flowing goods.
Equipped with diesel and electric motors and high pressure turbo-blowers.
Capacities: Up to 250 tons/hour depending on the application.
TOWER TYPE UNLOADERS: Mainly used for unloading vessels or barges up to 10.000 DWT. They are on frames towable at the port and along the vessel.
Capacities:200-400 tons/hour
NIV TYPE UNLOADERS: Used for unloading bigger and Panamax type vessels. They are self propelled and mobile on rails or rubber wheels. VIGAN is world leader at these units which have up to 28 m. booms.
Capacities: Up to 600 tons/hour
LOADERS: All kinds of bulk materials with bulk densities up to 1.8 kg/dm3 can be loaded onto vessels with capacities up to 1000 tons/hour.